Portland Protest Movement
Since late 2016 I have been covering the protest movement in Portland, Oregon. Through the 2017 and 2018 the protest movement has steadily grew with each week putting a new issue into focus–from a Woman’s march to a Muslim ban to DAPL Pipeline, to Climate Justice, to March for Science. Drawing and absorbing the energy of the crowd on location allowed me to create a time lapse capturing the mood of the time but also served as a source of therapy.
In late May and amidst the eerie quiet of the COVID pandemic the protest movement in Portland reignited in full force, fueled by the murder of George Floyd. Protestors haven’t stopped coming out since that day.
Read about Urban sketchers covering the protests around the world.
Scenes from Portland streets on July 22, 2020 shortly before the Oregon governor Kate Brown negotiated the withdrawal of Federal forces from the city. Brandishing shields fashioned out of pieces of garbage cans, wearing bicycle helmets, and elements of superhero halloween costumes protestors defend themselves with leaf blowers and buckets against tear gas and rubber bullets. On the sidelines of the action animated debates took place about race, history, and reparations. Face masks and respirators serve the dual purpose of virus and tear gas protection. Hatfield Courthouse seen on the right has become the epicenter of the confrontation with the forces dispatched here by Trump administration.
Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse. Scenes from the frontlines of the Portland protests on July 30, 2020. The day after the governor Kate Brown announced the withdrawal of Federal forces passions have calmed down considerably. BLM activists spoke in front of the Justice center about “the whitest city in America making history in Black Lives movement”. A couple held up a garland made of portraits of victims of police brutality over the smoldering mound where the Elk sculpture (David P. Thompson Fountain) used to stand.
The murder of George Floyd has sparked massive protests around the US. On May 29th, 2020 Portland is still under a strict lockdown. The city went from no public gatherings to thousands crowded in response to the latest incidence of police brutality against People of Color. “I CAN’T BREATHE” has become the rallying cry of the moment. Last night in the neighborhood park people gathered to chant, process, and have a group therapy session. Social distancing was pretty much out of the window in the community that was very compliant up to this point.
Portland, OR has earned the reputation for the city with most sustained protest movement for racial justice. Since about May 29th we have seen nightly protests with their epicenter spreading around the Justice Center and the Federal Court house. Lownsdale and Chapman squares have been converted into the main gathering spots with multiple grills set up to serve people free food and water (ribs, burgers, and ice cream). Later at night and especially after Trump’s administration deployed the paramilitary to restore “order” these city blocks turned into a war zone. With a few violent protestors throwing trash and fireworks into the federal building, and militarized units responding with rounds of rubber bullets, teargas, and pepper spray. The ritual would repeat night after night. I tried to get out and document what I witnessed on the streets in the last couple of weeks.
Another day of protests rocking the country from coast to coast over the murder of George Floyd. The contrast of this peaceful park and the people who no longer can pretend that the status quo can continue.

Portland Pride Parade 2017

Confrontation between Antifa and Patriot Prayer June 4, 2017

March for Climate Justice

Teaching a workshop on Drawing Parades and Protests during the Pride Parade
BLM protestors and federal forces in front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on July 29, 2020
The Wall of Dads and the Wall of Moms forming a human shield around BLM activists, July 2020